
Christian Education Committee – This committee is responsible for providing educational opportunities for all age groups, including, but not limited to, Sunday School, confirmation classes, adult Bible study, book studies, Vacation Bible School, and youth ministry.

Communications Committee – This committee is responsible for coordinating communications and advertising both within the church membership and to outside individuals, organizations, and media. Responsibilities include announcements, the weekly bulletin, the newsletter, the church website, and all advertising.

Fellowship Committee – This committee is responsible for planning regular events to foster caring friendships among current and prospective members of the congregation. The committee will offer hospitality support for events of other committees.

Finance/Stewardship Committee – This committee is responsible for teaching whole life stewardship among the members, maintaining a system for identifying gifts and interests of members in the service of God and the community, preparing and presenting a financial spending plan for each fiscal year, overseeing of the receiving, counting, recording, and depositing of all receipts, overseeing endowment fund activity and disbursements, payment for all obligations, and bookkeeping.

Mission Team – This team is responsible for implementing the congregation’s mission, “Gathered by Christ to be and make disciples.” The team encourages all at Reformation Lutheran Church to live in daily life-to-life discipleship by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Nominating Committee – The nominating committee is responsible for providing a slate of nominees to the Church Council no later than October 1 of each year. These names shall be shared with the congregation via email and bulletin announcements at least two weeks prior to the scheduled congregational meeting each year. The committee is also responsible for notifying the congregation, by verbal and/or bulletin announcements, of the proper procedures and deadlines for making nominations.

Pastoral Relations Committee – This committee is responsible for providing two-way communications between the pastor and members of the congregation by means of hearing, sharing, and resolving concerns shared by either group.

Property Committee – This committee is responsible for caring and maintaining the property and possessions of this congregation, preparing an annual inventory of all possessions whether rented or owned, making recommendations on the use of the space and furnishings as they relate to church programs and activities, evaluating the need for acquiring property; and resolving problems related to property and space.

Social Ministry Committee – This committee is responsible for leading the congregation’s outreach to its own homebound members and to the local community.

Worship and Music Committee –This committee is responsible for identifying the worship needs of the congregation, working with the pastor to plan worship services, and providing music for services.